A New Grill for Logan

A short story by Logan Hendrickson So I was grill shopping last night, a journey we all face as we plunge into the endeavor of choosing our next few yeas of cooking enjoyment. After looking at an impressive selection, I was ready to buy a nice gas grill ($400ish). Then something caught my eye, and […]

Woods of Wisdom – All about smoke woods

WOODS OF WISDOM Much like in religion, where a common question is WWJD (what would Jesus Do), BBQ enthusiasts can often be heard asking? ?WWWWWAWWWW?? (Wondering what woods would work wonders and which woods would wilt weariness) Throughout the years, our competition team has tried an assortment of woods, here is what we have found […]

Matt’s Eagle Ribs 2009

Meat Ingredients 3?racks Spare Ribs ? St. Louis cut Basic Directions Heat Smoker using favorite rig and fuel source Prep ribs as desired Rib Paste, recipe follows Basting Spray, recipe follows Foil Packets, recipe follows Barbeque Sauce, recipe follows Smoke @ 225 – 275 degrees F on your favorite RIGGGGGG. Spread ribs evenly with Spice […]

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